Should we give it another go?
I'm currently reading Bloom by Kelle Hampton and I have to say that she has been the inspiration behind starting this back up. I take pictures almost daily in order to remember these days with my boys, but photos can't provide the details hidden within the still images. Brecken is only 2 and I feel like there are so many things I've already forgotten! I need to create a space for not only photos, but a detailed account of their childhood. I want to be able to look back and remember why I felt it was necessary to take a picture of Brecken smiling at his tablet, or Sawyer clawing at a gift wrapped package under the Christmas tree. I hope to make this that space. A place to document their little quirks; like Brecken saying "you, you" while pointing at himself because he hasn't quite grasped the concept of "me" and "you". Or how Sawyer gets seriously offended if he rolls over ANYTHING on the floor. These are the details I want to r...