
Since I’m running in the Halloween Half, I needed a costume.  I have had one lined up since I registered; a super old Alice in Wonderland ensemble.  However, after completing my 10 mile training run last week I decided that when it comes to running; less is more and Alice wasn’t going to cut it. It’s not a heavy or involved costume (just a simple dress), but I would have to wear it over my running clothes and the thought alone makes me feel claustrophobic. 


My friend Ele had told me about a witch costume she had seen, and I decided that would be a great alternative.  I went on the hunt for striped running tights thinking I could pull that off with my black skirt, and a black running shirt.  Simple.  It was a great idea, but this world is seriously lacking anything beyond black running tights.  I went to at least 7 stores and all I found was black, black and some more black.  A couple of places online had striped/fancy pants, but they were upwards of $80 and I just couldn’t bring myself to do it.  I gave up on the idea and pulled Alice out of the closet.


Well, this past Saturday I was flipping through the Macy’s catalog and stumbled upon a pair of adorable black running tights with lime green polka dots.  I immediately decided they would work perfectly and that I had to have them.  I checked online to see if I could find them in a store close by, but they were nowhere to be found.  I tried calling the store only to learn that there is not a Macy’s in the entire state of Utah that actually sells Nike athletic wear.  What?  The ad was sent out last week…and the front page item doesn’t exist?  I. Was. Pissed.  I tried a couple more stores and gave up once again.  I went home thinking; “Alice, I guess we’re in this together.”


Later that night I received a text from my mom saying that the tights had been ordered through Nike, and would be here by Wednesday!  My parents are amazing!  I didn’t want to order them because I didn’t want to pay full price (I had an amazing Macy’s coupon), but they said they’d split them with me. Yahoo!  Alice immediately went back into the closet. 


Now that the pants were taken care of, I needed to figure out the rest of my costume.  This brings us to yesterday…craft day.  I had looked online Friday night (Google is my hero!) and found an adorable hat (with instructions) that was perfect!  Yes, I stole it from a toddler, but again…when it comes to running; less is more.  I recruited my mom and we (meaning mostly her) set to work.



Once the hat was complete we tackled the skirt.  I had decided that since the pants had lime green, it’d be adorable to add the same color and purple to the skirt (which is all black).  This was a team effort.  My dad cut the fabric into strips, I tied and cut the pieces to the right size, and my mom sewed them to the skirt.  It was a lot of work, but the finished product is ADORABLE! 



I feel ready now.  My costume is simple, yet adorable, and I’m not panicked about surviving the 13.1 miles….at least not as far as my costume is concerned.


  1. Yay! I'm so excited for you! Now, regardless the outcome, you're going to look fantastic doing it! PS I love the first photo, all you see is a blur of are so busy...all...the....time. Cracks me up.

  2. I absolutely love this! I think less is more when it comes to running in a costume. Best of luck!!

  3. Been wondering how this went since you posted these pictures. I wanna hear about the race! :)


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